Promise United Church of Christ, an open an affirming congregation located in Dallas, TX, is committed to supporting the “Three Great Loaves” initiative, introduced by General Minister and President, John C. Dorhauer. The tenets of this initiative include, “…a call to the love of children, to the love of neighbor and to the love of creation.” One such mission project is the support of Navajo children in Tuba City, AZ. This city became a safe area for the Navajo people impacted by the 1966 Bennett Freeze act enacted by the government. The Bennet Freeze act was intended to settle a dispute between the Hopi and Navajo people by freezing the land in question. This act came with the unfortunate consequence that people living in Tuba City could not receive assistance, receive aid to repair their homes, have electricity, or running water. In 2009, President Obama lifted the freeze, yet neither change or assistance have come to those in the affected areas. The people of Promise UCC were made aware of the history, people, and needs in Tuba City, by our congregant, Kaige, a Navajo citizen himself.

Kaige is one of those Navajo children who grew up in dorms nearby his reservation and home. As a child, he often worried if there would be enough school supplies for everyone. Kaige recalls how happy he was when he received a backpack with school supplies from a stranger. When he was older, Kaige would return to the boarding school to deliver school supplies he collected on his own. In 2016, Kaige shared with our congregation stories from his trips to Tuba City, again including the needs of the children there. With help from the members and friends of Promise UCC, Kaige collected thirty-five (35) backpacks with school supplies. It was at that time “For Want of a Pencil” began, under the leadership of Kaige.

A Navajo prayer says “As I walk, as I walk, the universe is walking with me. In beauty it walks before me, in beauty it walks behind me, in beauty it walks below me, in beauty it walks above me. Beauty is on every side. As I walk, I walk with Beauty.” Kaige believes in the beauty of giving and hopes that generations to follow will do the same. That is why each year he returns to Tuba City to celebrate his heritage and encourage the children to keep on learning, while equipping them with the tools they need to do so. Kaige wants to share with the community beyond the walls of Promise, and is challenging the members and friends to do the same. At the end of August, members of Promise will join with Kaige in visiting Tuba City to spend a day with the children, learning further about their culture and how we can support them from afar.
God calls us to be generous, loving, and compassionate. Promise affirms and celebrates the dedicated work of our Native American brother. We are currently gathering school supplies, backpacks, and children's toys. If you would like to be a part of our mission, please drop off items at the Promise UCC, Educational and Community building, on Sunday morning, or by appointment during the week. Financial assistance can be given through our website or sent directly to our church with a note designating it to our mission, “For Want of a Pencil.”
Ahéhee’, Hágoónee
(Peace be with you)
Yadi Martinez