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Writer's pictureYadi Martínez-Reyna

Get a Different Name Day

Scripture “I’m so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. The only credentials I brought to it were invective and witch hunts and arrogance. But I was treated mercifully because I didn’t know what I was doing—didn’t know Who I was doing it against! Grace mixed with faith and love poured over me and into me. And all because of Jesus.”1 Timothy 1:13 The Message (MSG)

A Word of Hope

Today is one of those little-known national holidays that are unknown to most people. It’s called Get a Different Name Day. For the most part a name is assigned to us at birth. There are many situations when a name change occurs. When we grow older we can chose to go before a Judge and, for a price, change our name. When we get married we can chose to take our spouse’s name or add it to ours. I never gave much thought to a name change, except for the reasons I mentioned above, or those who in the Bible received a name change.

For example when I was young I heard the story of Saul in the book of Acts, Chapter 9. Saul had made it his mission to persecute Christians and God called him out on it. God blinded Saul and said “Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me?” The story evolves into the name change of Saul to Paul and the new birth of a faithful servant of God. Paul went from being a persecutor who was blinded to a servant for Christ who received a new vision. In 1 Timothy 1:13 Paul says that grace was mixed with faith and that love was poured over him and into him because of Jesus.

Until recently, I was certain God did not send prophets in this day and age, anointing someone with oil, and changing their names. But, does this still happen? Yes it does. You see I have met many of my Transgender brothers and sister who go through a name change as part of their transition. They choose a name and, among friends, come out as Transgender embracing their new identity.

Eight months ago I witnessed Rev. Alberto Magana who, with the laying on of hands, affirmed, blessed and anointed the name change of a Latino transgender sister before our congregation. We embraced our sister and said we will honor your new name and will respect your preferred gender pronouns. It was beautiful to see how a simple name change made all the difference in the world to a person coming to terms with their true identity. It certainly spoke volumes about our Pastor and our congregation to have participated in such a beautiful ceremony.

Saul and Paul were the same person but with different hearts, motives, and lives. Many of us have changed and evolved into a new person in Christ but have not gone as far as changing our names. Or have we not? Many of us might not have changed our names, literally, but God has certainly given us a new life and a new way of thinking. For example I now know that, when I go into the world, I do have good news. I no longer preach, teach, or stand by fear or condemnation. I now live my life authentically and my actions just like Paul showing the love of God. Like Paul, I can stand before the world, and say that grace has covered my constant imperfections because of Jesus’ love. We no longer have to carry the names of regret, forgotten, or defeat. We can now say that our name is forgiven, anointed, blessed, and wonderfully made.

Prayer God, may we remember that your grace mixed with faith and love has been poured over and into us. May we remember that you have given us a new name and a new life through Jesus.



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