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Writer's pictureYadi Martinez-Reyna

Appreciate a Dragon Day!

Scripture “Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10

A Word of Hope Today is Appreciate a Dragon Day!

The word dragon entered the English language in the early 13th century and comes from Old French dragon , which in turn comes from Latin draconem (nominative draco) meaning "huge serpent”. In some Asian cultures the dragon is a symbol of wisdom. While in some Christian artwork the slaying of the dragon was symbolic representing saints overcoming evil.

As an artist, dragons are one of my favorite subjects. I create dragons in my down time through many media from papier-mache to simple clay figures. Being creative brings joy to my life and helps me stop all the noise in my mind. While my hands are deep in clay or papier-mache I leave the technological world I live in.Psalm 46:10 reminds us to be still, something that we might only think about doing when we go to sleep for a few hours.

A few years ago I shared with a friend of mine the challenges of quieting my mind and being still. He shared with me that every Tuesday he would go to the movies alone. My friend was always busy with meetings, counseling and spiritual leadership roles and he shared with me how difficult it was at times to turn it of. But on Tuesdays my friend would shut off his phone indulge in a move for a few hours. I learned from my friend how to balance and quiet my mind. My mind races with ideas and I have many things to do, tasks to accomplish, people to call or see. But every Saturday just like my friend I unplug and indulge in the world of dragons and creativity. He would tell me, “When you’re done with one task many more will still be there.”

Some of you might not think you are creative or spend your days thinking about dragons, but everyone can find a way to be creative thinkers. What is it in your life that motivates, inspires and brings you alive? What can you do this year that can disconnect you from technology and the world around you long enough to bring you stability and peace?

Prayer God Almighty may we find ways to find peace and be still before you as we renew our minds and quiet our souls.



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