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Writer's pictureYadi Martinez-Reyna

National Day of Silence (2014)

Scripture “And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 (The Message)

A Word of Hope

Tomorrow is the National Day of Silence. This national campaign was born in 1996 at the University of Virginia where 150 students launched a life changing movement. In 2001 the organization GLESEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network), developed a proposal and became the leading sponsor of this national Campaign. What is Day of Silence? Day of Silence is a student based movement that takes a vow of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.

1 Timothy 4:12 reminds our young friends that they are important and capable of teaching others about love, faith and integrity though how they live their lives. Paul reminds our young friends not to let anyone look down at them simply because they are young. Our youth today are hungry for meaning and purpose in their lives through understanding practical theology. Yet, when many of us think of teenagers, we think of them impulsive, rude, loud, and lacking integrity. When we think of youth ministry, we think only about pizza, games, parties and sleep over’s. Do our young friends really have a faith worth fighting for?

Our Youth are searching for a connection, meaningful friendships, rituals, and a sense to belong to something that matters. They might not be consciously connecting their theological reflections to their actions, but the way they understand God’s love through Christ constantly manifests itself in their lives. Their Day of Silence is a good example of this as they demonstrate their intense loyalty to the marginalized, and their willingness to stand against the evil of bullying and harassment in their schools.

Tomorrow’s Day of Silence is a significant event because it is led by students for other students. Cathedral of Hope's Youth and Young Adults are made up of LGBTQ and Straight allies, who believe in a God of love, extravagant grace, and relentless compassion. Tomorrow’s event is yet another illustration that they believe in creating a safe place for everyone regardless of race, sexual identity and sexual orientation.

Prayer May we remember the efforts of our young people and allow them to lead us in our own search for truth and justice.


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